Tuesday, November 30, 2010

The Promise

I received an email in October 2010 that spoke about a Pioneer Valley Poet who was, as a fundraising effort, writing a poem a day during the month of November. This sounded like quite a challenge to me so I decided to try it. 

I wake early and stoke the fire
blue smoke dawn
the leaves are golden now
and russet rings the hedgerow
mice had gotten into the cornstalks
but all is well
a good season for hardwoods I think
cold nights
razzle dazzle days
the crystalline memories of winters passed
these are the days of of magic
light reflects off every surface
and turns the world to flames and flickers
Steam rises from my plate
hunger and appetite
I eat quickly
hoping to satisfy one and apaese the other
have I been waiting and wondering
all this time
to find you?
'I am filled with you,
skin, blood, bones, brain and soul
there is no room for trust or lack of trust
nothing in that existance but this existance' - Rumi
Last night I dreamed I was awake
and awake I fell sleep
and dreamed that I was sleeping
smack dab in the middle of the day
I am struck by the beauty of it all
the low light of November
infuses the field and forest
my heart reaches out to the fading flowers
along the road
there is a place
of grey and mist
atop the wet pavement
dots of oak leaves and
ruby maples
some days are like woodsmoke
burning my eyes no matter where I stand
some days I cannot take a full breath
without it turning into a sigh
of longing
wind and rain
the afternoon speaks of quiet
the storm
I cozy to the fire and
watch the trees dance
I wait for words
and then they come
like self referencing equations
the task at hand
itself a poetry of persona
and where would I go but here?
true to this
no waiting today
like wildfire
words spring up
and burn there way across my brain
this bright sky
this morning wind
this soil beneath my feet
the promise of possibility
I live in gratitude
good night to stars
and weep no more
with dreams I keep my heart
a golden song
with whispers and wanderings
each day the invitation to love
is sent on birds wings
I cling to hope
the song is mine alone
the sunset
is falling behind the horizon
somewhere the sun still shines
but darkness surrounds me
a cup of tea
and some bread
my hands tremble as the cup is lifted
I drink
do you know what the sound of your voice is to me?
a soft breeze that carries the seed to rest against my heart
the sun's warmth
unexpected this late in the season
a ring around the moon
a late night walk
a simple life
in the palm of my hand I am holding out my heart
the light goes underground
the womb retreats
seeds are swallowed into the darkness
washed by November rain
I can hear the music of the spheres
the tinkling of a song of
broken glass
metal grinding
stars tumble in the sky
the door is open
I leave an inviattion
a thanks
the wind breaks against my brow
I gather fallen branches
the passion of fire consumes
the fuel of love
alone I sit
this empty room
a chance to fill it once again
speak again to me
oh wandering spirit
and let imagination fly
the tempering of will
the forging of forgetfullness
the eagerness of entropy
I cannot claim what is allready mine
Flickering candle
madness, mindfullness, magic
the hour has come
why wait any longer to fill the cup?
I thought a whisper would do
will you find me here amongst
the frozen flowers and green leaves?
the gathering of grace
of hearth and home
a serving of gratitude with gravy
the fire is banked low
I woke to a hawks scree
crows scramble and scratch among the scraps
I live in the language of birds
Old Conversations with new friends
a harvest of possibilities
the moon hangs in the evening sky
 a pearl hung among diamonds
I will not argue for good against evil
no time to waste
but hold this equilibrium
an equinox of the soul
every ending is a beginning
in this moment I am transformed

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